Take on different personas to catapult your software engineering career

Darren Broemmer
3 min readJul 22, 2022
Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

If you don’t periodically assume the persona of a customer using your system, then you probably are not seeing the big picture. Top senior engineers have the ability to look at things from many different perspectives. The vantage point of your customer is an extremely important one, but there are others as well we discuss in this article.

Is it easy to understand your service’s API? Does the navigate within the app make sense? Is it intuitive to find the functions and data that I need?

Are the response times reasonable? If I wasn’t get paid to develop this site, would I still be sitting here waiting for it to load?

The simple mistake many engineers make

Too often, software engineers are entirely focused on their specific programming task. For junior engineers, this is what you would expect. They are given a modestly scoped, well-defined task which is appropriate for their skill and experience level.

As engineers grow in skill and seniority, they work on larger scope tasks and items that span across services and subsystems. You can no longer focus solely on the code in front of you.

Surprisingly though, even many senior engineers keep their heads down and focus inward too…



Darren Broemmer
Darren Broemmer

Written by Darren Broemmer

I write weekly on puzzles, science, and technology. Technologist, published author, ex-BigTech, indie publisher.

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